This weekend is very special because in a special way we celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
The resurrection of Jesus is crucial to our faith. In fact, Paul stated that without the resurrection our preaching is in vain and we are still in our sin. “If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied” (1 Corinthians 15:19).
For this reason we emphasize His resurrection. We work and serve because He lives.
These are some of the goals that we desire this Easter Sunday.
We want to raise the next generation of Christians and Christian leaders, equipping them to do the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12). For this reason, we emphasize the training of our children and youth. We put a great deal of effort and expense in helping our children through Bible Skills, Drills, and Thrills, and Vacation Bible School, and camps and a number of other ministries and opportunities for Christian growth.
We want to love the least, the lonely, and the lost and help them experience the love of our Father who is in heaven. Jesus gave us a ministry to all people, including the least in society.
We want to teach the truth of God to our world, a world drifting in moral decay and in need of God’s guidance.
We want to see people ransomed “from every tribe and tongue and people and nation” living for Christ and worshiping around the throne of God (Revelation 5:9). We are thankful to be “red and yellow, black and white” and thankful to be the family of God.
May God bless your life and ministry.