Why I Want To Write A Blog

Have I lost my mind? Why would I want to add to my workload by writing a blog?
Maybe I shouldn’t be the one to determine whether or not I’ve lost my mind, but I can answer why I want to write a blog.

First, let me give the spiritual answer. This is the most important to me. In my time alone with God in personal worship, I have been impressed with my need to do more to make the Gospel known and the Word plain. I believe that this is God’s plan, and I want to follow it to the fullest. I see the blog as one more asset in sharing what drives my life–my relationship with the Father and His call for me to make Him known.

Second, for years I have wanted to share sermon illustrations with other pastors. Jesus used stories to open the Scripture. I have tried my best to follow His practice. Pastors are always needing stories which connect with life and which make the Scripture plain. My category, “Stories Worth Telling, will be my attempt to help pastors with stories that they can use.

Third, I want to help Christians know the Bible and to fulfill what Simon Peter told the church: “Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). Therefore, I will write about “Questions Christians Ask.” Soon, I will post a blog answering the question: “Do you believe in the saints?” I hope to help you and others know the Scripture and interpret it properly.

Fourth, this gives me an avenue for communication that I don’t have now. I want to disseminate this as widely as possible. Would you help me by sharing my website with your friends or anyone that it might help? You can view it at http://www.waylonbailey.com. I would appreciate your help.

Finally, I have other reasons for writing a blog and no more space! Go to www.waylonbailey.com and you can read my other reasons.