We all want to know what’s happening. Here are some of the things you need to know about what’s going on around FBC.
First, Pastor Jay Johnston. Today is our day to thank and encourage Jay Johnston as Jay and Jerilyn move to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to begin a new place of ministry. Jay and Jerilyn will be in the Connect Center today after each worship service. Please let them know of your appreciation for their ministry.
Second, Christmas Eve services. We will have two very special Christmas Eve services at 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM. These are a guest friendly time of worship and praise for the entire family. Please plan to attend one and invite your guests, family, and friends to worship with us.
Third, the weekend of December 28-29. We will not have Saturday night service December 28. This is the only regularly scheduled Saturday night when we do not meet. Also, we will not have Connect Groups for Sunday, December 29. We will have two worship services Sunday at the normal times for the whole family.
Once we turn the calendar to January 2, we will begin our normal meetings at their normal times,
including Tuesday Men’s Breakfast and Wednesday Worship times.
Fourth, Deacon ordination. Part of our worship for January 4-5, 2020, will be a time to pray over our newly ordained deacons, Syd Gibbs, Daniel Roberts, and Charles Paradelas.
Finally, “Who’s Your One?” Our sermon series for January and February will be an encouragement for you to pray for one person who doesn’t yet know the Lord. We will talk about prayer, God’s desire that everyone may be saved, and how we can help our “ones” know Christ. Would you begin praying now about who God would put before you to be your “one”?