Making Christmas Worshipful

“Getting Ready for Christmas.” Read Matthew 2:1-6.

Christmas is upon us. What a wonderful time of the year.

I hope that you will make Christmas a worshipful event in your life wherever you live and wherever you worship.

Let me give you some ideas of how you can make it more meaningful.

First, find a place to worship on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve. If you live in our area, join us for Christmas Eve services this Tuesday at 3:00, 4:30, or 6:00. Our services will have joyful singing, the Lord’s Supper, a children’s sermon, and a gospel message.

Second, find someone to help or some ministry to support. Our Christmas Eve service ends with an offering taken for the poor. We use the money given to care for benevolent needs in our community.

I would also encourage you to give for mission work around the world. First Baptist Covington supports work through the International Mission Board. This agency sends out more than 4,000 missionaries (and their 4,000 children) supported by local churches through their weekly offerings and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

Last year these missionaries presented the gospel to more than 1,400,000 people; baptized more than 266,000 new believers; started more than 24,ooo churches, and took the gospel to 133 new people groups.

Third, make Christmas last all year long. You can do this by being faithful to God and His church each day. Worship Christmas Eve and the Sunday after Christmas. Sunday we will have our three Sunday worship services at the regular times (but no Bible Fellowship Groups).

I would also encourage you to participate in groups to enhance your biblical understanding and spiritual growth.

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year when we follow it with obedience and faith.