Getting Even is Trending

By: Waylon Bailey

You don’t have to look far to know “getting even” is trending in America. We have become a nation of victims who need to punish other people for what we’ve experienced. Look at how often people sue one another, and worse, notice how often a disgruntled employee returns to the place of employment with a gun.

How do you and I overcome feelings of revenge and anger toward others? How do we follow what Jesus said and leave behind a world filled with hurt and resentment?

First, fill your heart with the words of Jesus. Read and reread passages such as Matthew 5:38-42. Let Jesus’ words touch your heart. Take these words and others and let God write them on your heart.

Second, ask God to overcome your feelings. God is pleased when we ask Him to help us change. He wants to make us new. When we pray to be new and different, He will answer. Your prayer to love and be kind is His will and according to His name.

Third, follow the example of Christ. He despised the shame and for the joy set before Him, endured the cross. Take His example and follow it. He lived as a sacrifice for others.

Fourth, refuse to dwell on your hurts. When you begin to brood about how you’ve been treated, renounce those thoughts and replace them with different, Godly, and wholesome thoughts. Think about things which are pure and just.

Fifth, practice gratitude. One of the old hymns tells us to count our blessings, name them one by one. The tune may be out of date but the exhortation is spot on. Living a life of gratitude will change most everything about you.

Finally, fix your eyes on Jesus. He is our guide and our help. As we emphasize His work, we will have defeated the angry, hurtful thoughts which harm us and the people around us.

Have a great week!