Not long ago, Martha stood next to the desk where she does most of her studying and held up a book. She said: “I’m thankful for these books. We are so blessed to have resources like these to help us.”
She was holding a book from a large set given to us by a wonderful couple in Donaldsonville, where we served our first church in Louisiana.
That couple was a blessing. They encouraged us in so many ways. They loved God’s Word and encouraged us to study, learn, and teach the church.
I want all of us to have the same kind of blessing that Martha and I have had to “study to show ourselves approved unto God.”
I am convinced that right understanding of God’s Word helps lead us to right behavior.
That is my vision for our new bookstore and resource library in our new building.
I want a resource area where you can look at books, hold them in your hands, and buy your own if you wish. I also know that we need a resource area where people can check out books for their own use.
That’s the idea behind our bookstore–to provide our church community with resources to help move them along in their walk with God.
You can’t make money with a bookstore. That’s the reason why so many have closed. But you can provide resources that aren’t readily available. No one knows the future of bookstores and libraries, but the need to learn from Godly, gifted students of the Word will never go out of style.
Sunday, June 1, we will begin our “book cart” to get us started. It will be set up near the Hospitality Room. We will have limited books and Bibles at first, but we will bring it along steadily until our new location is completed.
Please be in prayer for all our efforts to help people know and accept Jesus Christ and through Him experience life changing relationships.