Your Responsibility as a Christian


By: Waylon Bailey

Some people don’t like the concept of church membership. I talked recently to a family who wanted to know why we have church “members.” It’s a good question and one that should be answered.

The appropriate answer is for the purpose of understanding our responsibility to one another. The New Testament is filled with statements related to how we relate to one another as members of the body of Christ. We are to “love one another,” “encourage one another,” “pray for one another,” “forgive one another,” and a score of other similar admonitions.

We obviously have a responsibility as believers within the church of our Lord. Our responsibility and relationship is stated clearly in the New Testament: “Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of his one body, and each of us has different work to do. And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others” (Romans 12: 4-5). Paul told the church at Ephesus to “. . . put away all falsehood and ‘tell your neighbor the truth’ because we belong to each other” (Ephesians 4:25).

Next Sunday we have a special meeting to talk about church membership. We invite new members and those interested in joining with FBC Covington to meet with us for our “Discovery Class” next Sunday after the 11:00 worship service.

The meeting is open to everyone, and childcare and lunch is provided. We do need for you to sign up either online, in the Hospitality Room, or by calling or emailing the church office.

We will finish by 3:00 PM. Our pastors work hard to make this an informative and helpful meeting. Please join with us as we talk about being “members of one another.”