A Week of Worry


By: Waylon Bailey

Worry is a constant problem, and an enemy that must be fought and defeated.

Worry and anxiety seems to be a universal problem.
How can we give the deathblow to worry?

This week I intend to give you four steps to defeat worry.

If you’re not a subscriber to Waylonbailey.com, please come back each day to see the successive steps to defeat worry. Each step is important to handle the anxiety and worry that faces us all. Also, you can go to Waylonbailey.com and subscribe by simply leaving your email address. I would be thrilled to have you as a subscriber to my blog.

Step one. Trust God with all your life.

Jesus did not give us four steps to defeat worry. He simply gave one step. He told us to trust God and let Him be in control of your life.

Recently I wrote about the one step to overcoming worry. You can read it here:

Jesus told us that we have a loving heavenly Father who knows us and cares about our every need. He knows our past – our baggage – and he knows about our needs for today. Just as God cares for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, he cares about all of your needs.

Jesus couched it in words like these: if God cares for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, how much more does he care for you, O you of little faith? (Matthew 6:33)

Trust is not easy, and it doesn’t come naturally. Trust is something you have to determine to do. If trust were natural, Jesus would not have had to tell us to trust. It has to be cultivated and grown in our lives.

Here’s the way I would suggest you do this: tell God that you want to trust Him. There was a man who came to Jesus who wanted his daughter healed. Jesus talked about belief and faith. And the man said, “Lord I believe; help my unbelief”. Maybe you could say to God “Lord I trust you; please help me to trust you more.”

Let me say again, trust is not easy. Therefore, we have to determine to put our trust in our loving heavenly Father. May you do so today.

Have a great week!