A Report on RISE UP!

By: Waylon Bailey ~

Where are we with our Rise Up! Campaign?

Last year, First Baptist Church voted to move forward with building much needed educational space and commons areas as well as a new worship center. We also voted to enter into a capital campaign to raise needed funds for building.

At this point we have commitments for approximately $14 million. This amount has been pledged to be given in the years 2014, 2015, and 2016.

If you have not had the opportunity to make a commitment, we hope you will choose to do so. As we all work together, we will be able to do what God has put before us.

We are grateful to report with one-fourth of the campaign behind us we have received approximately one-fourth of the pledges. Thus, we are right on schedule.

We know we have a lot of hard decisions to make, but this puts us in a good place to move forward.

I want to remind us all that this is both an ambitious project and one that is much needed. By building our new educational building (for preschoolers and children) we will finally be able to begin new units for our small group Bible studies. We also need more room for worship and larger congregating areas (common areas) in the hallways.

Our architect and contractor are hard at work designing the building and preparing a preliminary cost of the project. We will get those to you as soon as possible. We now expect to begin the project some time next year.

When we have the final drawings and a final cost, we will go before the congregation for a final vote to build the building and move forward.

Until that comes to pass, please continue to pray and give. Ask for God’s wisdom for the Strategy Planning Team, the Pastoral team, and the Finance Ministry Team. They have huge responsibilities. They need your prayers on their behalf.