By: Waylon Bailey ~
My “Lagniappe” is a regular feature of FBC Covington. I have written this like clockwork for 25 years. It is my way of communicating with the congregation about important issues. Lagniappe means “a little something extra,” like a “baker’s dozen.”
Thanks for reading.
Worship Services Streamed Live
I was very pleased last week to hear of the successful launch of the live stream for our worship services. Several people contacted me during the week to let me know they had seen the services and to thank the church for making that possible.
You can watch each service in its entirety by going to the church website. You will see a countdown to the next service. Simply follow directions and you will be able to participate wherever you are.
Here are some ways this will help others: during sickness or in the hospital, your family or friends who will not attend with you but might check out the service online, and people you know around the country or around the world.
The Lord’s Supper
Our next Lord’s Supper celebration will occur October 25-26 in all services.
Deacon Election
Our annual deacon’s election will be held November 1-2 in all services. Please be in prayer as we make this important decision. You will receive information to help you in your praying as this time approaches.
Discovery Class
Our next chance to “discover FBC” will be Sunday, November 2 at 5:00 PM. The Discovery Class is designed for new members and those interested in membership at FBC. Please sign up online.
Budget Adoption
Our Finance Ministry Team is preparing the proposed budget for 2015. You will receive a copy of the budget in the coming Sundays. The budget will be presented at our next congregational meeting Wednesday, November 19, with the budget vote in all services December 6-7.