You Get to Choose

You Get to Choose

By: Waylon Bailey ~

You get to choose.

You really do.

Life is filled with many things you didn’t choose and many events you wouldn’t choose, but it’s also filled with choices you get to make.

Here are some of the things you can choose.

First, you can choose to be a fully devoted follower of Christ. In spite of whatever circumstances may come your way, you can still choose to be faithful and obedient in all things.

Yesterday I preached from the life of Saul. A study of Saul’s life is a sad but fascinating study in human choices and frailty. You can read it for yourself in 1 Samuel 9-31.

Saul had all the chances and choices we have. Yet, he chose to ignore God and leave Him out of his life. Saul’s decision left him devastated. At the end of his life and reign, Saul suffered defeat at the hand of the Philistines and took his own life on Mount Gilboa.

God had promised to Saul what He does to you: choose to follow God and He will guide you through life.

Saul simply chose his own way.

Second, you can choose your attitude toward life. Saul’s life was characterized by jealousy, envy, anger, and bitterness. Had he sought to live above any of these, his life would have been much better.

You and I are the same way. We can live with resentment and bitterness or we can choose to let it go and move toward making life better for everyone around us.

Saul couldn’t get over David’s success (who was known as a man after God’s own heart).

Our attitudes always affect other people. Saul’s jealousy and paranoia brought his son Jonathan to destruction as well.

Third, you can choose to let God guide you. God wanted to guide Saul to success. He wants to do the same with you.

It’s your life; you get to choose.

I hope you will choose life and choose God.

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Have a great week!