The next weeks are going to go by quickly at First Baptist Church as we have many decisions, events, and ministries taking place.
Sunday night, November 16 will be a special time as Illusionist David Laflin will lead us. David and several members of our team spent Thursday and Friday in local schools with special programs. We expect many of those children and their parents to join us for this special time.
Beginning this Wednesday, November 19, we will have our final congregational meeting of the year as we hear our proposed 2015 budget discussion as well as deal with several other issues concerning the governance of our church. We will make the final decision concerning the budget over the weekend services December 6-7.
I am excited to begin two weekends of preaching on gratitude and thanksgiving. We need to think about gratitude. We must consider our blessings and our response to our blessings.
In December, I will preach about Joseph and Mary. The sermons will be on these subjects:
December 6-7 What Joseph Can Teach Us About Being A Man
December 13-14 What Mary Can Teach Us About Being A Woman
December 19-20 What Joseph and Mary Can Teach Us About Marriage
December 26-27 What Joseph and Mary Can Teach Us About Struggling With Life
December will be month of wonderful musical worship. Our children will lead Sunday night, December 7 and our adults will lead the next Sunday night.
As always, we will worship our Lord on Christmas Eve with three worship times, 3:00, 4:30, and 6:00.
I hope you will take advantage of all these times as we make decisions and seek to serve and worship our Lord.