By: Waylon Bailey ~
Recently, a friend told me what the person in the pew wants to know. When he hears a sermon, he wants to know how this sermon will help him reach his preferred future.
Yesterday I preached about the “Rich Fool” as found in Luke 12:13-21. In response to a question, Jesus told the parable of a man living only for himself and without any regard for God. God told him that the things he owned really owned him and they were demanding his life.
Jesus noted it would be this way with anyone who stores “up everything for themselves, but are poor in the sight of God.”
This parable brings us to the most important question in life: What is your preferred future? Do you want to live greedily or generously? Do you want to please God or please yourself? Do you want to be rich toward yourself or rich toward God?
This really is the most significant question. We have to decide which way we want to go.
Years ago, a Sunday School teacher taught a fifth grade boys class. The teacher taught the story of the rich man and Lazarus. Lazarus was a poor man who ate crumbs from the rich man’s table. At death, Lazarus dwelt with God and the rich man went to Hell. The teacher wanted to know which man the boys would like to be.
One of the boys gave a very grown up answer. “I would like to be like the rich man while I’m alive and the poor man when I die.”
That’s the problem. You can’t have it both ways. We have to decide.
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to make these important decisions. Do we want to be rich toward ourselves or rich toward God?
As the “Rich Fool” learned, it’s a no-turning-back decision.
God calls us to live for Him and according to His plan. May we make the right decision.
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Have a great week with family and with God!