By: Waylon Bailey ~
Christmas is a time of giving. Most of the giving is short-term and without much thought. It is also giving toward those who give to us. In other words, it is a quid pro quo.
But there is another kind of giving. It is giving with an expectation of nothing in return. It is not for our good but for the good of others.
A wonderful question to ask concerns this kind of giving. Will you really give anything this Christmas? What will you really give that is for Jesus?
If you are interested, here are some places you can give this Christmas.
1. You can give for the needs of the truly poor. In my area, there are two groups who serve these needs–the Covington Food Bank and the Samaritan Center. Each focuses on basic needs for hurting people.
You can also give benevolence gifts for needy people through FBC. Our Christmas Eve offering will be dedicated to this need. We will use the money for as long as it lasts to help meet critical needs around us.
2. You can give for missions around the world. I give each year to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. The IMB has missionaries on the field around the world. These are almost 5,000 adults and their children. The children of these missionaries number over 4,000.
It helps me to remember that these missionaries have uprooted their families to share the message of Christ. Surely, I can give to bless them and to make their ministry possible.
3. You can give for local ministry sites. There are a number of credible groups wherever you live. Our local Crisis Pregnancy Center is buying a building to do their significant ministry. That would be a great place to give to Jesus. As Joseph protected Jesus from the Herod the Great, we can give to protect the unborn.
4. You can give to your local church which does ministry 365 days a year.
5. I can name a dozen other great ministries where your gift can make a difference.
What will you give to Jesus?
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