A Different Way to Look at Christmas


By: Waylon Bailey ~

Sometimes we think of Christmas as a nice story or a wonderful idea. Who wouldn’t want to have a time when families gather and children are blessed?

Actually, the Christmas message is a story of sacrifice and commitment.

Think of those who sacrificed for us.

First, Mary gave up her reputation to be obedient to God. Those in Mary’s hometown probably never accepted Mary as a virgin or Jesus as legitimate. Jesus’ opponents threw insults at Him because of His birth. Even now Mary is reviled as people speak of the impossibility of a “Virgin Birth.”

While we honor Mary, that honor only came after the true identity of her Son became known. In her lifetime, Mary knew only sacrifice.

Second, Joseph took on the powers of this world to protect the Son of God. He chose to fight against some of the most brutal and inhumane people of his day.

Joseph sacrificed peace and calm and anonymity for the struggles of fleeing Herod the Great and responding to the leadership of God.

Finally, there is Jesus Himself who left His home above to become human flesh. His mission involved the ultimate sacrifice. He allowed Himself to be placed in the hands of sinful humanity. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

His was the greatest of sacrifices. He took on the form of a servant, being submissive unto death–even death on a cross.

Christmas in its ultimate conclusion is a message of God’s power. Christmas is a “good” event in much the same way the Friday of the crucifixion is “Good.”

But at its heart, Christmas is a story of sacrifice, the willingness of Jesus to surrender His life for ours.

Let us praise and glorify the One who gave Himself for us. Let us make Christmas an understanding of God’s sacrifice for us.

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Have a wonderful Christmas time!