By: Waylon Bailey ~
After writing Lagniappe for my twenty-five years at First Baptist Church and my Life Apps that are emailed to the congregation each Monday over the last few years, I began a blog.
At first, I simply wrote a couple of times a week. Before I knew it, I began writing daily.
That’s what I am doing now. Each day (except most Sundays) I send out a devotional for those who subscribe to my blog. They receive it in an email every morning in their inbox.
It’s simply an added dimension to my call to ministry. I am thankful that people in every state and forty or so countries read the blog.
I want to offer you my blog as well. There is no obligation on your part. It’s free, and you can unsubscribe at any time. If you are too busy, you don’t even have to read it!
My blog is for the purpose of helping my readers with my daily look at life and scripture. Most of my ideas come from the daily study I do in the Scripture, much of which is related to my regular teaching and preaching ministry.
If you would like to subscribe, please go to and leave your email address under “Subscribe” on the upper right hand side of the page. If you have difficulty subscribing, let me know and I can do that for you.
You can be assured that we do not give out your email address.
Would you do me an additional favor? If you are already subscribed, would you recommend me to your friends? I’m already doing all the work. I would like to get this to as many people as possible.
Thank you for reading and thank you for your ministry to our community and our world.