The Best Advice I Can Give You

I am a pastor of a local church. I spend a lot of time with people. I rejoice with those who rejoice, and I mourn with those who mourn. Sometimes the mourning seems to far outweigh the rejoicing.

Right now I am trying to help individuals and families who are suffering from the bad decisions of others. While some of the decisions can be made better, some of them are irreversible. They can’t be changed; they simply have to be dealt with.

Part of my calling is to help people who have come to the end of their rope.

What can you do when you assume you will never experience another happy day?

I want to give you my best advice. This is not pie in the sky or Pollyanna advice. It is real, and it will change who you are and what your life is like.

My advice will not change someone else’s bad decisions. I can’t do that and God has not formed our world in that way. He has given free will to humans and completely allows our freedom of choice. Our decisions to go our own way really hurt a lot of people.

This is my advice for those whose spouse has cheated or loved one took his own life. It is my advice for those who have adult children who are living far away from God and for all the other hurts you are feeling.

Focus on God. Get as close to God as possible. Your “happy days” and peaceful thoughts depend on Him. You can’t change what happened, but God has promised to help you through the pain. His presence in your life will help you.

What should you do?

Pray obviously, and pray honestly. Tell God how you feel and what you are experiencing. Pour your soul out to Him.

What else should you do?

Ask God to fill you with His Spirit. Ask Him to help you focus on Him so you can begin to live again.

Ask God to produce the fruit of His Spirit in your life. Pray this verse to God and repeat it often during the day: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23).

Let God produce His fruit in your life. This will bless the people around you, and it will bless you.

Your life is not easy, but God will be with you. Focus on God; do not focus on your hurt or your problem.

Finally, stay close to God’s people and those who love you and want you to make it. These people don’t have the answers for you, but they want the very best for you. Stay close, and let them love you through this time.

I have learned in life “God is my only hope.” Focus on Him.

May God bless you as you implement these truths in your life.

I write a daily devotional (not all this intense) that goes out around the country and in over forty other countries. If you would like to receive my free daily look at our lives and God’s Word, you can subscribe at If you find this helpful, please share with others.