By: Waylon Bailey ~
One of the highlights of my day is what happens early in the morning in our offices at First Baptist Church.
We meet together for the first fifteen minutes to pray about our day, asking God for His direction and leadership. It’s such a blessing to begin the day in this way.
We pray for you and the people around you. We pray for our world and the deeply disturbing events occurring around the world.
More than anything else, we pray that we may be pleasing to God as we meet with people throughout the day.
I thank God for the women and men who work with me in serving God and this congregation.
Our organization is always changing.
Recently, we welcomed three new Administrative Assistants to our group. Beth Shorter now serves our congregation as assistant in the areas of Children’s Ministry and Women’s Ministry. Kelly Frilot works as assistant with the Worship & Music Ministry, and Natalie Coniglio works as assistant with the Student Ministry and Young Families Ministry. We are thankful for having these assistants working with us and making the operation run smoothly.
Recently, Josh Jordan has expanded his responsibilities to include working with Young Families. We have changed his title to reflect those responsibilities. He is now Minister to Young Families. For several years Bill Boren accepted a double responsibility for young families and student families. We are thankful to let Bill now concentrate on student families.
Along with Josh and Bill, David Rockett works with the Adult 55+ classes.
We love to see new people come, but we mourn when others leave. Jeff Markey, our Worship Associate, will leave us at the end of the month to take over his own music program near Colorado Springs, CO. We have been thankful to have Jeff serve during his seminary years as our worship associate. We are thankful he is getting to lead his own music ministry.
Please pray for all of these who seek to serve God by serving you and our community.
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