Why the Discovery Class Matters

By: Waylon Bailey

First Baptist Church’s Discovery Class may be the most important event that you can be a part of at FBC Covington.

As a pastoral team, we believe every member of First Baptist Church should have completed the Discovery Class. That’s our goal, and we hope to achieve that in the future.

The Discovery Class is for all members of the church and for those who are interested in membership of the church.

We hope you will plan to attend either Sunday night, March 22 at 5 PM.

Why is the new member class so important?magnify

First, we discuss the most important thing in any person’s life. My part in the Discovery Class is to help you know Christ and live in relationship with him.

Years ago, we determined to make sure we discussed the main things in life during our Discovery Class.

Second, we discuss those areas where people have questions. We discuss baptism, vision, growth in Christ, and many other pertinent issues.

Third, we give you goals to work toward. We have 12 goals we believe will help you grow in Christ and will help make your membership significant and meaningful at First Baptist Church. We also give you a plan to work toward those goals.

Fourth, the Discovery Class helps connect you with the church. At the Discovery Class you meet our pastors, many of our deacons, and other people who lead and serve in our church. We recognize that knowing people and knowing about the ministry of the church helps connect you and make you feel at home. We all want to feel at home. This will help make that possible.

Fifth, the Discovery Class will help advance the cause of Christ by strengthening His church. For this reason alone, you should attend the Discovery Class.

Please take advantage of the Discovery Class as we grow in Christ and strengthen His church.

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