Are You New to FBC?

By: Waylon Bailey

Are you new to FBC? Do you want to get connected?

For the last few months we have seen many new people coming to First Baptist Church. I want you to know you are welcome, and we want you to get closely connected to our body of believers.

We’ve learned that getting involved in a group helps people feel connected.

Here are three ways you can get connected immediately at First Baptist Church.

1. Attend the Discovery Class. This weekend we have our Discovery Class, a class for new members and those interested in membership at First Baptist Church. We meet Sunday (today)with a meal and child care provided for you. You can sign up at the foyer kiosk, in the Hospitality Room, or online. This is a must for really knowing our church.

2. Get involved in a Bible Fellowship group. These groups meet weekly on Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings around the regular worship services of the church.

We want to be a Bible believing church which follows biblical values. In order to do that, we have to learn what God wants.

The Bible Fellowship group will help you dive deeper into God’s word and will connect you with a group of people to encourage you in your faith and to minister according to your needs.

Our Bible Fellowship groups are for everybody and are at the heart of the church. This month we have averaged more than 1500 each week in our Bible Fellowship Groups.

Contact Clif Smith at for more information.

3. Serve in a ministry. The people most connected to First Baptist Church are those who serve.

Let me give you some suggestions. The area of ministry with the most influence and the greatest need is our work with preschool children. Our preschool encompasses children from six weeks to four years old (pre-kindergarten).

Here are several other ministries where you can meet significant needs and be connected with others who serve:

Family promise is a ministry to homeless families. Contact Glynn Robinson ( for more information.

We have many other ministries where you can serve. Watch for opportunities each week in The Vision and sign-up to serve. You’ll get connected, meet new people, be a blessing to others, and receive a blessing by serving God!