By: Waylon Bailey ~
Several weeks ago, First Baptist Church was contacted by the New Orleans Baptist Association about an opportunity to do ministry and to make a difference on the Southshore. We have been asked to accept the New Orleans Korean Baptist Church as a campus of our church.
As you know, we have a campus located in Metairie known as Metairie Church, a campus of First Baptist Church, Covington, Louisiana.
We have examined the need and the proposal and are ready to ask the church to receive New Orleans Korean Baptist Church as one of our campus congregations. This will be done at the upcoming congregational meeting this Wednesday night at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall.
How would this look?
The New Orleans Korean Baptist Church is a viable and functioning congregation. More than anything else, they need a place to meet and grow. We are proposing that they use our Metairie location at times when our Metairie Campus does not meet. For example, Metairie Church meets each Sunday at 10:30 AM. New Orleans Korean Church would meet at 1:00 PM for a meal (the meal is part of their culture and worship) followed by worship in the afternoon. They would also use the building at other times not used by our present campus church.
New Orleans Korean Baptist Church would become part of FBC, Covington. We would take on their assets and liabilities and carry out their church administration through our office.
Our pastoral staff would offer oversight and would give encouragement and help with the vision of the church.
We see this proposal as a good fit. This church holds to Baptist doctrine and functions as a Baptist church. They need a place to meet in an expensive market. We have a location. Their coming to join us will allow us to use the building twice without adding to our costs.
We also will be able to take on this responsibility without adding to current budget needs.
Most importantly, this new campus church would offer us exposure to the many Koreans who live in our area and who need to hear the Gospel. As has been said many times, the world is coming to America. We need to make sure that we take all means necessary to help the world know Christ.
Please join us this week as we discuss this important proposal for our future ministry as a church.