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Leading the Church

I want to invite you to our second of four congregational meetings for the year 2019. We will meet in Central Hall at 6:45 PM Wednesday to handle routine business and to discuss our ministry as the church. The meeting will last about an hour.

I want to use this as a way of communicating my vision to First Baptist Church. Through the years I have done this exact thing a number of times. It will help us all refine the vision and keep us moving in a way that is scriptural and practical.

This is our purpose: “We exist to help people know and accept Jesus Christ and through Him experience life-changing relationships.” This is who we are and who we want to be. As we attend the vision meeting, we will all find ways of making this possible.

Much of the meeting will involve hearing where we are financially both in the current budget year and in the giving for the Forward! Capital Campaign. You probably recall how I have said that the years 2018 and 2019 would be “challenging” years. We will use this time to show where we are and how we are doing with these first years in the new building.

I think you will find the financial discussion encouraging and hopeful.
We have a number of other issues that will fall under the vision section.
This is my theological belief–you are the church. Therefore, you need the most information possible about what we do and why we do it.

I look forward to seeing you Wednesday evening.