Years ago we began a special needs ministry when we kept hearing special needs families can’t go to church because churches are not equipped to care for the children. At that time we had a large group of special needs professionals who began this wonderful ministry. I still consider that God began and has sustained this ministry.
Today (Sunday January 19) we have an open house for our new Special Friends area. The new area is at the East Entrance to First Baptist Church, Covington, directly across from the Media Library. You are invited to attend the open house at the conclusion of the worship service you attend. We will have refreshments and an opportunity to view the area and to see how it is set up for ministry.
Maggie Fredericks is our pastoral liaison for Special Friends and Pat Bourgeois is our new Special Friends Coordinator. They will both be present for the open house.
When we began our ministry to special needs families, we started learning what a great need there is. Did you know that 14% of all public-school students ages 3-21 receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)?
I thank God for those who make our ministry possible, and I thank God for the new area He has
provided through His church. I hope you will drop by and take a look at the space and the opportunities to minister.
Please pray for our students and those who minister with them.