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Lagniappe March 7th

You have a lot to think about. We all do.

From the upcoming presidential and congressional elections, to the economy, to the coronavirus – we all have a lot on our minds.

Let me remind you that with all illness, cleanliness is the best solution – both at home and at church. At church we are going to continue to keep everything as clean and disinfected as possible. Our practice at First Baptist Church from day one in this new building has been to use disinfectant on all surfaces, particularly handrails and doorknobs. At the present time, we are even doing this more frequently.

If we all are diligent in our personal hygiene, and in our homes, it will go a long way towards keeping ourselves free of illness.

This is obviously a good time to teach our children about cleanliness, but it is not a time to panic and spook our children. They need to hear that you are going to take care of them and that “we will be fine.” Things worse than the coronavirus can happen if we don’t encourage and reassure the people around us. I used to tell our children that “I will worry about that so that you don’t have to.” Children need to know that you will do the job God gave to you.

With that in mind, let me give you some suggestions.

– Trust God and depend on Him. Don’t be anxious about anything but be prayerful about everything. Philippians 4

– Encourage others and always be ready to give a reason for the hope you have in Christ. 1 Peter 3

– Love everyone and seek the best for all the people of the world.

When we think of God, we really have a lot to think about – and it’s all wonderful! Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1