Coronavirus – what you need to know.
These are difficult and frightening times worldwide. Our information and our response to the information is changing multiple times during the day. The following points hopefully will help you related to church and to life.
First, I want you to know we are following all protocols for cleanliness in our buildings at first Baptist Church. Fortunately, this is not something new for us, but rather something our facilities team practices on a regular basis. While they are not doing anything new, the regularity – several cleanings each day – is putting pressure on the team. We are committed to this kind of cleanliness.
Second, we plan to continue our regular schedule. This, however, may change according to the
circumstances. Please check our website regularly and sign up for the LEAD app for up-to-the-minute information.
Third, we all need to make sure that the most vulnerable among us are well cared for. In this situation, that seems to be the elderly and those we have chronic illnesses and immune system problems. Since we need to practice some form of “social distancing” we certainly can use our phones and text messages to pray, encourage, and fellowship with other believers.
Finally, people around you will need encouragement. Be sure to tell them of your hope in Christ, and be sure to remind our children that our God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.