By Waylon Bailey.
No one expected this–ever! Who would have thought that our church buildings would be empty for Easter and our families not joining together for Easter Sunday?
But, of course, this is where we are. We must celebrate the resurrection in a slightly different way but with the same intensity as ever.
Here are some things you can do.
First, plan to participate in Bible Study and worship with your Connect Group and in your normal worship service.
While our physical location (in our homes) has changed, nothing else has changed. Christ is risen, and He is our hope.
As you worship at home, put yourself into worship. Open your Bible, sing along, pray, and listen carefully to what God says to you through the sermon and the entire worship hour.
Second, talk your children–or yourself–through the day. Let them know that the resurrection gives us hope. Let them know that this is the most important day in history.
Moses emphasized the importance of teaching children the things of God. “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 6:7).
Use the whole day to remember what God has done.
In some ways this will be easier than ever before. We will not have sports on TV or a house full of company.
Third, read the resurrection story. I suggest Luke 24 (the whole chapter). Meditate on what it means and how it has changed our world.
This may be the only time you ever have to do this–we all hope so. Make the most of it.