By Waylon Bailey.
In the midst of crisis, such as the Covid-19 crisis, we all want to know how the story ends.
In this present crisis, we particularly want to know when it will end, how it will end, and in some sense, if it will end? Will this end? Will we be safe?
The Apostle Paul taught the early believers that we are never without hope. No matter what happens, God is greater. No matter what we go through, God is actively at work bringing us to the end of the story when we shall be with Him in His wonderful presence.
Paul taught the Corinthians that they could trust God to carry out His divine purpose.
Here’s what he said.
First, God is going to do the unthinkable by raising the dead and transforming the living. It is a great mystery. Neither the living nor the dead are at any disadvantage. God will raise the dead and transform those who are alive at His coming.
Jesus told us that He came to save the lost and to prepare a place for us for eternity. When we are with Him, we will no longer have to fight temptation or struggle with our old nature. We will no longer live in a world controlled by the prince of the air.
We will be His, and it will be well with our souls.
Second, the story ends with our receiving a new body suitable to dwell in the presence of God.
In this world we get caught with how our body looks. At the end of the story we will receive a new body, a spiritual body. This spiritual body will be suited for everything we need to live for God and serve Him.
Third, the story will end with our seeing the reality that God gives us the victory through Christ Jesus our Lord. We will be forever thankful for what God has done for us in Christ.
Finally, the story will end with the saints being the saints. We will be steadfast, holding strong, telling the story of Christ. In the midst of persecution, we will be found faithful.
Those of us who think most of heaven will do as much as possible on earth. At the end of the story, we will be praising God and telling the story of Jesus, seeking to take others with us into His wonderful home He has prepared for us.
The story is His story. And it will end well.
Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.