By Waylon Bailey.
In times like these, focusing is a difficult task. It’s also difficult to think of anything other than wearing a mask, staying at home, and doing only what is required for the day. While this may be normal for the world, it is not worthy of the family of God.
You and I have been called to pray for revival and salvation for the people of the world. We have been called to be faithful in ministry and service, to think differently, and to look not just for today but to the future.
Let me give you three things to focus on in the larger world.
First, the month of April is normally the month we would be telling you about a special offering for missions in North America. Some of you know it as the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. It supports disaster relief, evangelism, and church planting in North America. This offering particularly focuses on taking the gospel to the cities, the place in North America that is most deficient with the gospel.
If you receive monthly offering envelopes, you have a yellow envelope for this offering. If you would like to receive offering envelopes, please let us know by calling the church office or by contacting us online at You can also give through your normal giving channels, simply mark it AAEO.
Second, please continue to pray for your “one.” Pray that God would give you opportunities to share your faith. Because of what has happened to us, now is the time to be bold and courageous people. People have always needed the Lord. They now need Him more than ever.
Third, pray that God would give the pastoral team wisdom in guidance as we navigate through this never seen before time in the American church. We need to make good, Godly, wise decisions. Please pray that God would lead and that we would be open to His leadership.
May God bless you as you focus not just on today but in the days to come.