Dr. Waylon Bailey's Lagniappe

The Day We ReGather

By Waylon Bailey.

We are not yet ready to announce the date when we will re-gather as the church, but that date is getting closer all the time.

Remember, the church is not re-opening; it is simply re-gathering. The church has not been closed. It has been open and working, and I simply cannot tell you how proud I am of how you have responded in this difficult time.

Here is what you need to know for when we do re-gather as the church.

First, it will be a safe, thought out, touchless experience. We are going to do everything in our power to make you feel comfortable as you “get out” and back into the world.

You will not have to open doors or touch any surfaces. We will have attendants all around to wipe down the areas where you do touch. We will have restroom attendants for sanitation purposes and special devices so that you can open the door with your foot.

We will not pass an offering plate, but you can place your offering in a box as you leave the worship center. We will not touch one another, but we will greet each other warmly.

Second, we will go overboard in cleanliness. We will sanitize after each worship service. In order to have the time to do this, we will need to move the 9:30 service temporarily to 9:00. This will give us the time we need to get people out, people in, and clean in between.

Once we get our connect groups meeting on campus again, we will move back to the original time of 9:30.

Third, we will emphasize families worshiping together, and we will seek to make it kid and teen friendly.

Fourth, the governor’s press conference indicated that churches could have 25% of the fire marshal occupancy. That would allow us to have 628 people at each of our three weekend worship services, a number more than adequate for the first few weeks.

We do not expect vulnerable people to attend. We also know many will be hesitant. Please do not feel that we are pushing you to re-gather. Until you feel comfortable, please continue to worship with us by the online service.

We love you deeply and miss you greatly.

I look forward to seeing you for weekend worship.