By Waylon Bailey
Growing Christians want to pray deeper, more meaningful prayers, and they want to draw near to God as they pray.
I believe this is a true statement. For this reason, I believe that you have the genuine desire to become more like Jesus in your prayer life. This weekend I will be preaching about prayer as we continue to emphasize the basics of following Christ.
If you are not a regular worshiper at FBC Covington, Louisiana, you can join us by means of our live stream at Our services are at 6:00 PM Saturday and 9:30 and 11:00 AM Sunday. Next weekend the worship times will be the same except that the early service Sunday will be at 9:00 AM to give us more time for cleaning as we begin the long process of re-gathering the church.
While my sermon is not complete yet, the sermon will be about what I yearn for in prayer–to be in the presence of Christ and to learn of Him as I pray. Prayer is the primary practice of Christians to be in the presence of Christ. Think of how many times God tells us to pray and how He promises to hear our prayers.
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). God spoke those words to rebellious Jews who had put God on the back burner of their lives. James told us to “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8).
Our hearts tell us that we need to pray and that we need to pray fervently and urgently. God loves the prayers of His people.
Would you join me in seeking God with all your heart and letting God conform you to the image of His Son?