
By Waylon Bailey


During the week I heard someone use the word “remarkable“ about the times in which we are living.  That word didn’t seem strong enough.  These are Dickens’ “the best of times the worst of times”.

As a church, and as a people, we must plow through the difficulties we face to make it beyond to a stronger tomorrow.  This includes informing and equipping our body of believers.


Here are some things we are doing:


First, our administrative ministry teams (finance, personnel, property, and trustees) continue to meet.  These groups are tasked with leading the church in administrative and business areas.


Second, our deacons continue to lead the church in ministry.  They will meet in person, or by zoom, this Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock.  This meeting will simply be an informative meeting about the ministry and direction of the church and ways that we can continue to meet the needs of our congregation.


Third, Sunday – August 2 at 6 PM – we will have our first congregational meeting of the year.  We will use this time to conduct matters of business and to give you information about our ministries and the financial condition of First Baptist Church.  We will meet in the worship center so that we can spread out appropriately and have room for everyone who wants to attend.  If you are able, I encourage you to be present. The meeting will last for about an hour.


Please be in prayer about the ministries, protection, and safety of the church. 

