By Dr. Waylon Bailey.
As I have said before, I am concerned about the church and about the churches. The apostle Paul wrote about a similar concern. In addition to his many physical difficulties and persecution, Paul spoke about his concern for the churches: 2 Corinthians 11:28 “And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure upon me of my anxiety for all the churches.”
My concern has to do with how First Baptist Church, Covington, and the many churches around us come out of this pandemic. I fear that many people will suffer great difficulty from the isolation they have experienced.
I also fear that people will have forgotten how meaningful and significant worshiping with other believers really is. I am concerned that they will have left off prayer, Bible study, and the daily disciplines of living for God.
But, I am also encouraged.
I am encouraged by the many people who are ministering in the name of Jesus. They are caring for their neighbors, making phone calls, and sending texts. They are sharing their material goods with struggling people.
I am also encouraged by their spiritual disciplines of reading and studying Scripture and interceding on behalf of other people.
We have a number of people who have volunteered to serve during this time. This is truly encouraging.
Times of great difficulty can either destroy us – or make us much stronger. May we all choose to let God use this time to bring us closer to Him and to share the good news of our God.