Dr. Waylon Bailey
Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.
This passage of Scripture is known as “The Great Commission.” It is the command of Christ to His followers before His ascension into heaven and describes our work until the close of this age. Until Christ returns, we believers are to reach people for Christ, mark them as believers through baptism, and teach them to obey Christ and His Word.
Recently, we have emphasized baptism and making disciples. Today I want to encourage you in teaching and training new followers of Christ, both young and old.
God wants us to know His Word, He wants us to obey His Word, and He wants us to follow His Word.
Would you help me and our other pastors as we seek to emphasize what Jesus told us to do? We need to be learners, and we need to be teachers. We desperately need to prepare the next generation to lead and to serve.
In this weekend’s sermon I intend to emphasize the importance of godly parents and faithful churches in the lives of children and in our community. I ask that you:
- Please make every effort to attend – either in person or virtual.
- Please begin looking for a Connect Group where you can plug-in and grow in Christ through fellowship and the teaching of the Word.
- Please look for a place where you can serve Christ through His church and through your community.