Dr. Waylon Bailey
Thank you:
Martha and I want to thank you for your love, concern, and prayers for us. I am completely past my illness and quarantine time, and Martha is moving rapidly through hers as well. We both had minimal symptoms, and we are immensely grateful.
Christmas Programs:
This will be a different kind of Christmas this year at FBCCov. We will not have any Christmas programs, but we are having three worship services on Christmas Eve at 1:00PM, 3:00PM, and 5:00PM. In these three services we have room for up to 800 people per service, 2,400 total, and a limitless number by live stream.
We will have a reservation system for the Christmas Eve service, so that you can make your plans and we will know how many to expect at each service – staying within the safety guidelines for COVID. You will hear more about this over the next two weeks.
Chapel Open House:
We have rescheduled the Chapel Open House and I want to personally invite you next weekend:
Saturday December 12th from 4:00PM – 5:45PM
Sunday December 13th from 10:30AM – 1:00PM
This will be an informal walk-through with social distancing and masks. You, your friends, and family are invited to attend.
If you have driven by The Chapel, you can tell from the outside and landscaping what a beautiful place this is. We hope and pray that it lifts up the name of Christ and exalts Him as we use it for His glory.