
Dr. Waylon Bailey


You’re Invited . . .

In spite of all that’s going on, I hope you are having a wonderful time of contemplating what God has done for us in Christ.

I have two invitations for you.

First, you are invited this weekend to walk through our new chapel. We’ve named it “The Chapel at First Baptist Church.” You are invited to view it Saturday (December 12) from 4:00-5:45 PM and Sunday after the worship service and Connect Group you attend.

I think you will find it a lovely place that will remind us of the great God we worship and serve. We are looking forward to beginning to use the building in just a few weeks.

Second, I want to invite you to our Christmas Eve services at 1:00, 3:00, and 5:00 PM Christmas Eve. Because of social distancing, we need you to reserve your spot for the hour you choose. If any of the three services work for you, we would like for you to pick 1:00 PM. Last year we had 3400 people attend two services. Since we can’t accommodate 1900 people at one hour (as we did last year), we need you to let us know when you will attend and how many people will attend with you.

For the first time since the pandemic, we will observe the Lord’s Supper together. It has been meticulously planned for safety and spiritual significance. Because of how it will be served, we need you to observe our planning for seating. This will also allow us to have more people in attendance.

I hope you will plan to attend. As long as we follow directions, we will have room for everyone. We will have the Lord’s Supper, the children’s sermon, and a great orchestra—and I get to preach as well!

We look forward to seeing you.