
Dr. Waylon Bailey


Today, I want to write to you about “the beauty of the body of Christ.“

I write this because of what is going on in my family. As you possibly read this, Martha is undergoing breast cancer surgery. To say that this is unexpected is a huge understatement.

What we have seen during this time is the beauty of the body of Christ. We have heard from people praying from many different parts of the country, and even in some foreign countries. Most of those people are praying in other places because of their friends and relatives who have asked them to pray.

I have been amazed at how calm Martha has gone through this time of waiting for the surgery. She, herself, is amazed. She explains it like this, “I know it’s because of all these people praying for me.” That’s what I mean about the beauty of the body of Christ.

I’ve always known it was important to intercede for other people. I love the hymn, “What A Friend We Have In Jesus.” The line I like best says, “what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.”

It is a privilege to pray, and it is a privilege to know that people pray for you. Therefore, we want to thank you for your faithfulness in prayer. After the surgery and a few days in the hospital, we will be looking forward to a time of recovery and then for me to be back with you very soon, and Martha to teach her Bible study next semester.

We are thankful for all of you and we appreciate “the beauty of the body of Christ.”