By Waylon Bailey
Coming Events:
Wednesday, March 10th @ 6:45PM in Central Hall
– Congregational Meeting for Bylaw addition. This will be a short meeting before Pastor’s Bible Study to vote on additions proposed and discussed at our February 24th Meeting.
Weekend Worship, March 13th & 14th during all three services
– Baptism: Please contact Jackie at to sign-up.
Sunday, March 21st @ 5:00PM in East Assembly
– Discovery Class: This is a perfect time to ask your questions and learn more about our church’s beliefs, values, vision, and strategy. You will also meet the Pastoral Team and other church members so that you can know who you’re worshiping with. Sign-up in the hospitality room after services, online through, or by letting one of the Pastors know.
Wednesday, March 31st @ 6:45PM in Central Hall
– Congregational Meeting concerning our association with FBC Kenner. This will be a detailed meeting with information and discussion on the proposal to accept them as a campus of FBC Covington.
Thursday, April 1st @ 7:00PM in the Worship Center and On-Line
– Maundy Thursday Lord’s Supper Service – where we celebrate the Last Supper. Weekend Worship, April 3rd & 4th
– Resurrection Sunday Services – where we celebrate the Risen Lord.
I hope you will join with us for these events.