By Waylon Bailey
This weekend we celebrate with 49 graduating high school seniors and their families. This is certainly an exciting time for both the students and the families.
These students have distinguished themselves in many ways through their school experience and we are excited to see what God will do with them – and through them – in the years ahead.
I have three prayer requests:
Would you take one of the brochures and use it as a prayer guide? Lifting the name of these students before our Heavenly Father? Can we do anything more important than pray diligently and fervently for young adults to love God and honor Him with their lives?
Would you pray for the preschool, children, and student ministries of FBC? God has given us an amazing opportunity. To have 50 or so children in each grade is an amazing responsibility.
Would you also pray about a place of service for you in these ministries? When all is said and done, our greatest contribution may be in the lives of children and their families.
May God bless us and use us as a church to further His kingdom and to make Him known throughout the earth.