By Waylon Bailey
Happy Father’s Day!
May God bless you and your family. One of God‘s Commandments is that we honor our father and mother. Today we are seeking to do that as we follow Scripture and communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Last week we began a new sermon series entitled, “CHURCHNOW.” It is our attempt to remind us that we are neither the church of yesterday nor of tomorrow. We have been placed at this time to serve God today – and to be the church of today.
Through the rest of June and the month of July, we will emphasize the responsibility of the church to reach all people and to encourage obedient living.
Beginning in August our emphasis will be “REBOOT,” an attempt to get us all back together in worship, Bible study, and ministry.
We want to emphasize the necessity of our giving our all for the Kingdom of God. That means we must be faithful in attendance, joyful in giving, wise in witnessing, and devoted in Scripture.
By the way, this past weekend was our largest attendance (excluding Easter weekend) for 2021. We had 95% of the attendance on this date two years ago. I am, of course, thrilled to see this, but we are not yet back to where we should be.
I would like to ask that you be prayerful about where you and your family are in regard to your faithful obedience to God. I pray that this August and September would be a time of great excitement as we renew our efforts to live faithfully for God.