By Waylon Bailey
Preaching and Other News
Today I am preaching from Philippians 1:3-11. This is one of those passages of Scripture that describes the deep, personal relationships within the family of God.
Martha and I think of you in this way: “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, . . . thankful for your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” We want you to know that we love and appreciate our church family and the opportunity to partner with you in the gospel.
You have graciously encouraged us to take time away in July. While we didn’t feel that we could leave the church last July, we are looking forward to having some time away this year.
During the month of July, you will get to hear three of our pastors and a special guest dealing with human trafficking and slavery, a very prevalent and horrendous practice in this modern day.
When I return to preach July 31 – August 1, we will begin looking toward the sermon series entitled “ReBoot.“ It is my hope that this sermon series will be the catalyst to leave the pandemic behind and to look forward to what God will do in our future.
We are still not up to the numbers of our attendance that we had two years ago in 2019. We are looking to exceed our 2019 attendance in August and September.
Our goal is to have 101% of two years ago.
I hope you will make every effort to get yourself back in the habit of weekly worship and Bible study attendance. I also pray that you will seek other people who you can introduce to the church and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I am praying for a time of revival and renewal as we “ReBoot.“