
By Waylon Bailey

We are thankful today to have Jeff Hancock with us from the International Justice Mission. IJM works around the world seeking to overcome slavery and human trafficking.

This organization has a life-changing and world changing mission. We want to give you, and First Baptist Church, the opportunity to be a part of what God is doing to set people free both spiritually and physically. I hope you will take the opportunity to learn more and to be a part of this exciting goal.


We are looking forward with anticipation to our REBOOT sermon series and emphasis beginning after 18 months of turmoil of every kind.

One of the important things that we do to understand and follow the Will of God is to be involved in small group and large group Bible studies.

• Our small groups – which we call Connect Groups – are held each Saturday/Sunday around our sermon times. We strongly encourage you to try out different groups until you find the one that “fits” you. This is a great place to meet people, learn God’s Word in an intimate setting, and have fun in fellowship.

• Our large group Bible study will start back on Wednesday nights beginning August 4th at 6:45PM in Central Hall – and will be A Study of Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. This is a verse by verse and word by word Bible study that looks in-depth at the major issues of our day and of Paul’s day. This study is open to everyone and will help equip you for the struggles and challenges that you face in a very complicated world. I will be leading this study and hope you will be a part of it.

These are a good way to REBOOT – and a good time to begin again.