Why “Lagniappe“?
Early in my ministry I heard this bit of wisdom, “People do well with information and poorly without it.” Over the years I have seen the truth of that statement.
That’s why I started writing a weekly column when I became pastor of First Baptist Church. Not long after, I started using the title “Lagniappe.”
The word Lagniappe means something like, “a little something extra.” Churches always need a little more information, more than can be given on a Sunday morning during a worship service.
So, here’s a little more information that you need to know today. As we get close to the end of the calendar year, our church will be making important decisions about the future.
Our next congregational meeting is Wednesday, November 17. At this meeting we will:
- discuss the proposed 2022 church budget,
- hear about our financial situation,
- hear various reports,
- make decisions about future leaders in areas of ministry
- discuss opportunities to make a real difference in our community and world.
I hope you will join with us in these important discussions.
Whether or not you can attend, we need you to pray fervently for God’s blessings for His church. We need to ask Him to keep us from the evil one. We need to pray for the power of His Spirit as we teach and preach the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Please be prayerful for God’s great work.