
During the months of May and June we have several important events coming up that you need to know about:

Sunday May 22, at 2:00PM – VBS Volunteer Training in the Worship Center. All volunteers are asked to attend.

Wednesday May 25, at 6:45 PM – Congregational Meeting in Central Hall. This meeting is an informational meeting where we want to let you know of how you – as a church – are ministering to our community and beyond. I will catch you up on:

  • How we’re doing in attendance for worship and connect groups. We all want to know how we’re doing, and this will give us an opportunity to discuss it.
  • How we are doing for our general budget for the year 2022.
  • The total to date pledged for the Anchored Capital Campaign and the number of families which have made commitments.
  • What’s going on with our other campuses, and how they are doing.
  • How we anticipate beginning to disperse the funds for the things that we have designated.

Saturday / Sunday May 28 & 29 – Outdoor Baptism. We will be having outdoor baptisms following the 6:00PM Saturday Service and the 11:00AM Sunday Service. As a church body, this is a special time we can celebrate with these individuals and their families.

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday June 7th, 8th, & 9th – VBS. We are anticipating 900 children and 400 volunteers daily. This is a great out-reach for our community, and each year we touch many un-churched families with the gospel. If you would like information about signup, volunteering, or contributing snacks (Oreos, Chocolate Chip cookies, goldfish, & Cheez-its) – please ask at the Kiosk in the Connection Center Also, starting this Sunday, Children VBS t-shirts are available for purchase in the bookstore during regular Bookstore hours. Volunteer VBS t-shirts will be available at the Volunteer training – and next weekend in the Bookstore. Cost: $10/each

 -Dr. Waylon Bailey