Martha and I have had a wonderful time away. We are grateful for the opportunity you give us to relax and refresh in July, but we have missed our church family and are happy to be returning to begin a new season of ministry with all of you.
I am looking forward to my normal teaching and preaching routine this coming week:
This Tuesday, August 2, I plan to kick-off a study for Tuesday Men’s Breakfast of John 14-17 concerning abiding in Christ. The title is Abiding in Christ: The Joy, Blessing, and Power of Walking with Christ.
On Wednesday evenings I will teach a verse by verse study of The Book of Joshua. The events of the people of Israel taking the land God had promised opens important truths for us to understand our relationship with God. I hope that you will make Wednesday night a great family night event.
Starting next weekend I will be preaching on Challenges: Facing the Challenges of Life with Grace, Strength, and Compassion.
I don’t have to tell you all the challenges we face. While this is difficult, our Lord has given us all we need. I look forward to sharing this with you beginning this weekend and continuing through the fall.
-Dr. Waylon Bailey