
Wednesday, November 16, is an important time for FBC. We will use the Congregational Meeting on that evening to discuss our upcoming 2023 budget year and to affirm new deacon leadership for our church. We will also elect new members of the teams that help provide congregational leadership. These are our Trustees and members of the Personnel, Property, Nominating, Baptism, Teller, and Finance teams. 

The meeting will provide information about our ministries and our use of finances, including where we are with our indebtedness. 

While these activities certainly seem routine, together they serve to determine the direction of our church from the standpoint of vision and leadership for years to come.

I hope that you will plan to attend. We will meet at 6:45PM and begin with worship and a time of prayer. We then will follow our agenda and will conclude by our normal time of 7:45. At the same time, there are ministries to serve our preschool, children, and student participants.

Our prayer time is particularly important. We do not need to make un-prayed over decisions. Instead, we need to be a people who devote ourselves to God and look for His leadership in all things.

If you are new to us, this meeting is a great time to learn who we are and how we function. We are always happy to have guests with us in all our gatherings.

– Waylon Bailey