
Christmas & New Year Schedule . . . 

Already this month we have had some wonderful Christmas Programs, Connect Group Parties, Children  and Youth Parties, and beautiful music. Now I want to let you know of what will be happening over the next  few weeks. 

NO Midweek activities will be happening now through January 1st. We will resume with Tuesday Men’s  Breakfast on January 3rd, and Wednesday Evening activities on January 4th

The Church Office will be closed Friday December 23rd, Monday December 26th, and Monday January 2nd

Christmas Eve Saturday – we will have services at 1:00PM, 3:00PM, and 5:00PM. This is a great time  to invite friends and family to worship with you. Childcare (2 years and under) is available by reservation  only. Email Darlene at 

Christmas Day Sunday – we will have one service at 10:00 AM. It will be a meaningful time of worship  and praise – different than anything we have done before. There will be PRESCHOOL Childcare (2 years  and under) available for this service. 

New Year’s Eve Saturday NO Service or Connect Groups 

New Year’s Day – Sunday – we will have our regular two services at 9:30AM & 11:00AM. NO Connect  Groups. All Preschool classes and childcare will be on their regular schedule – but NO Children’s classes

ALSO, let me take this time to challenge each of you to take time to reflect and remember Why we celebrate CHRISTmas – and tell your children and grandchildren Why.

– Waylon Bailey