Having grown up in a Baptist church and being closely involved for my whole life, I sometimes forget that not everyone understands the inner-workings of a ‘congregational led church’.
Part of this equation is that most areas are staffed by volunteers under the supervision of our Pastoral Staff. Some of these areas are:
Our Connect Group Leaders. We have groups for preschoolers, children, youth, and adults. We strongly encourage you to find a group for you and your family.
Our orchestra and choir lead our worship services. We are always looking for new participants in this vital area.
Ushers\Greeters\First Impressions\Connection Center have one of the best jobs in the church by connecting with and encouraging others.
Preschool and Special Friends volunteers – are helping raise the next generation for Christ.
As we get underway in 2023, some of these areas may be a great fit for you to get involved in. If you are interested – please come by the Hospitality Room and talk with a Pastor or Deacon.
There are blessings that come from joining with others doing God’s work and reaching those who come through our doors.
Our next Discovery Class is Sunday, February 5th. This is the perfect place to come learn more about FBC Covington, our Pastors, and opportunities for service.
– Waylon