
Is there any greater need in America than the need to have a real awakening that leads us to the presence and power of God? 

Over the next two months, we are going to look at the need and the possibility of an awakening in America. Historians often point to the First Great Awakening and the Second Great Awakening in America for making our country such a great nation. 

Our constitution was made for people of faith. The founding fathers recognized this fact. Now that many  people have discounted faith and its effect on the nation, we are suffering the consequences of that rejection of God. 

It is time that we look at our own lives and our obedience to God. We need to see our need for holiness and purity. We need to see our need for repentance and obedience. 

Only when the church is right before God can the nation be right before God. 

It is not so much about outsiders awakening as it is with those who have trusted God and believed in His  Name. 

Would you join with me in looking carefully at your own life to see whether your life is pleasing to God?

– Waylon