Lagniappe: Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to our fathers and father figures – thank you for being here today.

Let me give you seven truths I strongly believe and follow.

Occasionally, we simply need to remember who we are and what we believe. Obviously, we have a whole Bible that is the very definition of truth. I simply want to give you seven truths for us to reflect on and to emphasize.

  1. God is our Creator, Sustainer and the Lord of our lives.
  2. We are saved by the finished work of Jesus on the cross. There is no other means of salvation.
  3. God has called us to obey Him in all things.
  4. God has bestowed His Spirit upon us and given each of us gifts to use for Him.
  5. Everyone counts in the kingdom of God. In Christ, “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
  6. God wants to guide us through life. When we seek Him with all our heart, He shows us His will and His way.
  7. God desires that all are saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Therefore, we must proclaim Him, and share His love with all the world.
