Lagniappe: Praying for New Believers

Last week we had Promotion Sunday for our preschool, children and youth. The excitement in these departments was tangible as the kids “moved up” to the next level. With this excitement we are also blessed with volunteers who come along beside our pastors to show and teach these kids about Jesus. We feel the urgency and need for these kids to be prepared to “move up” to the next level in their relationship with Christ.

We see the results of these labors in both children and adults as we celebrate with families through baptism this weekend. Please join with me in praying for these new believers and their families as they grow in their faith and Christian walk.

As families get settled back into their school routine, we look forward to continuing in the sermon series Urgent Words for Urgent Times. This week I will be preaching The Truth About Us from Genesis 1. We will ask who we are and how we fit in God’s creation.

I also want to let you know about some dates and things that are coming up:

  • Discovery Class, Sunday, August 27 @ 12:00PM, A great place to learn more about who we are at First Baptist Covington. Sign up online or in the Hospitality Room after service.
  • Baptism September 3rd – Labor Day Weekend at the Bogue Falaya River @ 4:00PM.
  • Renovation of Central Hall. We are excited to get started with the renovation of Central Hall. We are hopeful this will begin sometime this fall and be concluded by the spring. We are thankful for your faithfulness in giving to the Anchored campaign, as well as your tithes and offerings for the ministries of First Baptist Church.
